If you aren’t sure where to look for specific information on our website, please search here using keywords to learn anything from what day trash pick-up is, how to license your pet or plan a block party to how to volunteer in the community or start a business here.
The public information office connects you with everything in Mt. Lebanon. We strive to get accurate, timely information to you in the ways you most want to receive it.
Here’s a list of just some of the services we provide
Writes material for the municipal website (Yes! The one you’re on right now!)
Promotes Mt. Lebanon as a great place to live and work
Provides public relations, marketing and design services to other municipal departments
Publishes municipal publications, brochures and reports
Contributes to the municipal cable channels
Oversees all use of the municipal logo/mark, other copyrighted municipal materials and branded products. Partner organizations, sponsors or groups wishing to use logos and other copyrighted materials must receive written permission.
Press Room/News Releases
coming soon
Cable Channels
Comcast Cable Channels
Public Access – 21
Government Access – 95 (Emergency information)
School District — 98
Verizon Cable Channels
Public Access – 35
Government Access – 34 (Emergency information and school closings)
Government Cable Bulletin Board
Mt. Lebanon’s government access channel, broadcasts a bulletin board of government and community events.
Commission Regular Meetings Schedule
Commission Meetings are Broadcast on Comcast 95 and Verizon 34 according to the following schedule:
7 p.m.
2 p.m.
10 a.m.
10 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday
5 p.m.
Commission meeting broadcast schedule
Commission Discussion Meetings Schedule
Commission Discussion Meetings are Broadcast on Comcast 95 and Verizon 34 according to the following schedule:
5 p.m.
3 p.m.
8 a.m.
8 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday
3 p.m.
Commission discussion meeting broadcast schedule
Meetings will air as soon as available. There may be a delay to allow for meetings to be processed.
Public Cable Bulletin Board
Mt. Lebanon’s public access channel, broadcasts a bulletin board of broad community interests and events.
Submit an item to our bulletin board by filling out Cable Channel bulletin form. Forms also are available at the municipal building customer service center, Mt. Lebanon Library or by calling (412) 343-3644 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Items may also be submitted for broadcasting.
The organization must be nonprofit.
Messages must be submitted four days prior to the desired start date
Messages can run for up to two weeks
No more than two items per organization will be aired simultaneously
Items regarding ongoing community programs must be resubmitted after two weeks
Items are subject to verification, editing and reformatting
Please note: The bulletin board may occasionally be suspended for programming of a municipal nature.
Municipality of Mt. Lebanon administers the nonexclusive franchise agreements that allow both Comcast and Verizon to operate locally. If you have service problems or want to receive cable, contact Comcast at (800)COMCAST or Verizon at (888) GET-FIOS.