The T on the rail tracks coming out of a tunnel, approaching the Mt. Lebanon stop.

Roads & Transportation

Traffic Calming

Residents can request changes to streets to help mitigate certain traffic concerns, such as excessive speed or volume. Tools we’ve used include speed humps, improved road markings or parking changes. Such changes must be considered carefully and thoughtfully, to avoid shifting a problem from one street to a neighboring street.

Yellow sign with words "Speed Hump"

The mobility board is usually the first stop for residents requesting such action. It also would be helpful to read about Mt. Lebanon’s traffic management program.

Recent traffic calming projects

Cedar/Salem intersection reconfiguration 2024

The intersection will be reconfigured this year for better flow and more pedestrian accessibility. Schedule is listed with the reconstruction projects.

An engineering map showing changes at the intersection of Cedar and Salem
Changes to come at Cedar/Salem intersection

Included in this work:

  • Physical Modifications: Construct new curblines and ADA ramps on all four (4) quadrants of the intersection. This would better align the Hollycrest Drive approach to the intersection and would reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians crossing the northbound Cedar Boulevard and westbound Hollycrest Drive approaches.
  • Pavement Marking Modifications: Install new piano-key style crosswalks on the northbound and westbound approaches. Install double yellow dashed extension lines through the intersection on Cedar Boulevard. Install “SLOW” and “+” legends on the Cedar Boulevard approaches. Install “yield lines” on each approach to the crosswalk on Cedar Boulevard.
  • Rapid Response Flashing Beacons (RRFBs): Install RRFBs on each side of Cedar Boulevard at the marked crossing on the northbound approach. The RRFBs would be push button activated and would have appropriate signage and flashing beacons facing both Cedar Boulevard approaches.

Arden Road, 2023

Contractor: Niando Construction, cost $194,386

  1. Realignment of Arden Road at Beverly Road
  2. Speed hump at 286/287 Arden Road
  3. Raised island / pedestrian crossing upgrades / pavement marking upgrades at Overlook intersection
  4. Speed hump at 406/409 Arden Road
  5. Speed hump at 421/424 Arden Road
  6. Traffic circle at McCann Place intersection
  7. Restrict left turns from Arden Road onto Cochran Road

Arden at McCann

Arden at Overlook