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The solid waste fee for 2025 will be $316 per household. Information on billing and account setup is available here.
Download the 2025 Garbage and Recycling Schedule with street listing.
Mt. Lebanon contracts for the garbage collection for approximately 11,000. residential units. The maintenance and emptying of garbage containers in the parks and on business district streets, and recycling in compliance with state law. Garbage is collected once a week at the curb. Recycling is collected bi-weekly at the curb. Trash volume is limited to 15 bags, placed in cans or in bags. Please do not exceed the 50 pounds limit per can. Residents have the option to contract with the collector for back yard collections. The monthly fee for this service is $40 for garbage, $35 for recycling or $75 for both. Starting in January 2024, our contractor is Westmoreland Sanitary Landfill/County Hauling at (724) 929-7694.
To report a missed pick-up of garbage or recycling please call (412) 343-3400, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. or report online 24 hours a day: myLebo.
Garbage Limitations: When the amount of garbage, rubbish and residential refuse exceeds fifteen (15) bags and/or bulky waste exceeds one (1) item, this shall constitute a special collection and the contractor shall furnish, when requested in advance by the resident, a special collection and removal of those items. A resident who requests such a special collection shall place the items at the curb for collection. This special collection service shall constitute a separate contractual arrangement between the resident and the contractor at a price to be set forth by the Contractor to the resident at the time the special collection is requested, billable by the contractor to the resident and payable by the resident directly to the contractor.
Curbside recycling details and recycling event info (shredding, electronic equipment and yard waste) are available online.
The following items will not be picked up:
The municipality provides pick-up for leaves. Building materials may be picked up for a fee by our contractor.
If a holiday falls on Monday through Friday, the subsequent days are on a delayed pickup schedule. If the actual holiday (not the observed holiday) falls on a weekend, there is no delay of subsequent days. Contracted holidays are only the following days:
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Coffee with a Cop