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Coffee with a Cop
“Complete Streets” are public streets, alleys and roadways designed and operated to accommodate users of all ages and abilities safely and comfortably, including people walking, people riding bikes, people accessing transit, people with disabilities, delivery and service personnel, and emergency responders; improve utility resiliency, and reduce, accommodate and slow stormwater runoff as part of a comprehensive stormwater management system. A Complete Streets policy considers the entire right-of-way beyond the transportation focused infrastructure and uses a holistic approach to address utility service delivery, stormwater, air quality, tree canopy, and quality of life improvements in each project.
In November 2022, the Mt. Lebanon Commission adopted a Complete Streets policy that sets the process for transportation for the future.
Commissioner Andrew Flynn’s column in Mt. Lebanon Magazine explains the vision.
Merle Jantz’s story in Mt. Lebanon Magazine describes Complete Streets in more detail.
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Coffee with a Cop