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Select someone in your neighborhood to apply for the block party permit. Applications may be submitted online with the myLebo system. Please apply a minimum of 30 days prior to the event. Cost is $45, plus credit card service charge. Full payment must be received no later than 10 business days prior to the block party date, to avoid cancellation. Block parties may begin no earlier than 10 a.m. and must be completed and the barricades removed no later than 11 p.m. Volleyball standards can be added for an additional $10. Additional details can be found on the application.
Block parties may be held any day of the week but no parties are permitted on Halloween.
Municipal staff recently completed a comprehensive review of the block party permit system. The municipal traffic engineer and representatives of police and public works reviewed all Mt. Lebanon streets to determine where block parties could safely be permitted. The group assessed all streets and sections of streets to determine if closing them could present potential safety challenges for emergency response vehicles and general traffic, and if drivers might ignore barricades putting residents at risk.
Based on this review, the staff developed a list of areas that are permitted to have block parties and areas that are not permitted to close the streets.
During the block party organizers must provide access and egress to motorists residing in the area, visitors and delivery trucks. In planning your block party please make sure that the area of the street that is to be blocked off with barricades is between intersections. Only intersection to intersection block parties will be approved (1 Block). This will ensure vehicles are directed around closed off sections of streets, and do not interfere with pedestrian street traffic during your block party.
Permits will be issued only for neighborhood events. Individual graduations, birthday parties, weddings, etc. are not eligible. You must make a good faith effort to contact each household affected by the closure.
No more than three (3) permits shall be granted by the Municipality in any calendar year for the same block.
You may not use fireworks within 150 feet of any structure.
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