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Coffee with a Cop
On Tuesday, September 13, 2022, the Mt. Lebanon Commission unanimously adopted a resolution committed to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. The resolution also commits the Municipality to doing its part to create a culture of belonging throughout the community. We understand DEI as: valuing and learning from the broad range of human differences as well as our similarities, advancing equal opportunities for all people and groups to thrive and building a warmly receptive and supportive community for diverse perspectives and experiences. Read the full text of the resolution.
Everyone who contributes positively to life in Mt. Lebanon will see themselves reflected in our communication products, including Mt. Lebanon Magazine, our websites, our social media accounts and newsletters.
The Municipality of Mt. Lebanon recruits candidates for employment in a wide variety of full-time, part-time and seasonal jobs. Mt. Lebanon is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion, national origin, race, color, ancestry, disabilities or any other characteristic protected by law. Reasonable accommodations for the needs of otherwise qualified applicants with disabilities will be made upon request. All information requested through the application process is solicited for the purpose of determining abilities and skills required for proper job placement and to facilitate verification of the information requested.
The board promotes and ensures a high quality of life for all residents through community initiatives and by fostering partnerships within the community and among neighbors, leaders and elected officials. It meets at 6 p.m. the first Wednesday of each month.
Mt. Lebanon staff and community volunteers plan many events, from educational opportunities at the Mt. Lebanon Public Library, to forums and to unity rallies. Upcoming events include Coffee with a Cop, presented by the Mt. Lebanon Community Relations Board. Check the municipal calendar for listings.
The Mt. Lebanon Police Department has numerous policies and protocols in place to promote positive interactions with the public and the community and prevent violent interactions with suspects. Here are some commonly asked questions and an opportunity to get involved.
What type of person is chosen to become a Mt. Lebanon Police officer?
We expend large amounts of effort and resources to ensure we recruit and hire the best police officers to serve our community. We ensure our testing process is fair and completely free of bias toward any particular candidate based on who they are, including gender, race, disability, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation and any other trait.
Once the top candidates are identified through the multi-level testing process, we spend a great deal of time completing background investigations on the applicants. We dig deep through their personal life by talking to family members, teachers, professors, guidance counselors, coaches, employers, coworkers, neighbors, boyfriends/girlfriends, ex-boyfriends/ex-girlfriends, and anyone else who may be able to provide us insight into the candidate’s character, values and integrity. If we determine that a candidate would not be a good fit for our police department and community based on negative attributes uncovered during that background investigation, we simply pass over them and move on to the next candidate.
When we are ready to make a conditional offer of employment to a candidate, we send them for a psychological exam and a medical exam to determine their mental and physical fitness for performing the duties of a police officer. Only after the candidate satisfactorily passes these exams do we offer them full employment.
But it doesn’t end there. Once an officer is hired by the MLPD, the real training and evaluation begins. For the first three to four months of their employment, the newly hired officer rides along with a field training officer who teaches and evaluates the new officer on a daily basis. Upon completion of all of the tasks required in the field training program, the newly hired officer is released for solo patrol. During their first year of employment, newly hired officers are on probationary status, which requires constant oversight to ensure they meet our expectations. If at any time during probation a newly hired officer isn’t performing at a level that we expect, we are able to release them from duty. As you can see, we do everything we possibly can at the beginning to ensure that the officers who we hire will represent our police department in a positive way throughout their career.
But that’s in the beginning. How can I be sure the officers maintain that professionalism?
As an officer progresses through their career, we place high importance and focus on development and continuing education. During the past several years, our training goals have included communication skills, de-escalation, fair and impartial policing, implicit bias, community policing and use of force. Notably, we have specifically embraced de-escalation training and it is a requirement for all our officers. All MLPD officers have attended both Mental Health First Aid for First Responders training and Crisis Intervention Team training. Both courses focus on recognition of individuals who are in crisis and how to best de-escalate situations involving those who need assistance. We are constantly searching for new and innovative training sessions that best address the aspects of policing that are most important for our community.
How do the officers know what is expected of them?
In addition to hiring practices and training, we also recognize the importance of having solid and up-to-date policies and procedures based on best practices in policing. We regularly review, research and update our policies and procedures, and we frequently test our officers on their knowledge of the standards by which we operate. If an officer violates an established policy, we hold them accountable by following a progressive discipline model that is appropriate to the level of the policy violation.
We have very strict measures when it comes to accountability. Our use of force policy is one of our most critical documents. This policy is constantly reviewed to ensure that it follows best practices that are recommended and approved through a variety of clearinghouses including the Department of Justice, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association, the Allegheny County Chiefs of Police Association and Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office.
The policy consistently recognizes the value, sanctity and preservation of human life. Our policy also contains methods for preventing the necessity to use force through such alternatives as de-escalation, as well as the duty of other officers to intervene if an officer observes excessive force being used. Our policy prohibits choke holds and other maneuvers that may lead to positional asphyxiation. The policy also sets high priority on training for our officers, and calls for documentation and supervisory review whenever force must be used against a person. In Mt. Lebanon, we are fortunate that our officers rarely must use force, but when they do, our policy ensures that no one’s rights are violated. We also have policies in place that strictly prohibit racial profiling and bias-based policing.
Who makes sure all these policies are followed?
The Mt. Lebanon Police Department provides constant leadership on all shifts, a staffing priority that many other departments do not yet provide. We assign a ranking officer to each shift, who serves as the Watch Commander. In addition to overseeing the daily shift operations, Watch Commanders are responsible for establishing goals and evaluating the officers who are under their command. By having leadership and oversight at all times, Watch Commanders are able to recognize issues and immediately prevent them from becoming worse.
Do you have any other ways to monitor police performance and behavior?
At the MLPD, we also embrace technology as an important part of our operations. We were one of the first police departments in our area to utilize body worn cameras for all officers. We began using them shortly after the legislation changed in Pennsylvania clearing the way for their use by police officers. Our officers wear the cameras throughout their shifts to record their actions and encounters. In the event we receive a complaint about the actions of an officer, the video is reviewed by their supervisor to determine if there are any concerns that need to be addressed. In the majority of cases, the video vindicates the officer of misconduct accusations. This proves that our officers are doing the right thing. In addition to the video evidence that these recordings provide, we also use the recordings for training purposes for the benefit of all of our personnel.
What should I do if I have a complaint?
We have very detailed policies and procedures regarding complaints about officers. All complaints about officers are investigated. When a complaint is filed for something minor, either in-person, by phone, through email or social media, the on-duty supervisor immediately begins a supervisory review. During this review, the supervisor speaks with the complainant, witnesses, the officer(s) involved, as well as reviews the body-worn camera footage of the event. The supervisor documents this review and provides it to the Deputy Chief of Police for further evaluation. The Deputy Chief determines if the actions of the officer(s) violate any of our established policies and procedures. Based on the circumstances, the Deputy Chief makes a recommendation if the complaint is founded or unfounded based on the circumstances, and shares it with Police Chief Jason Haberman for final review. If a complaint is founded, we follow the progressive discipline model for minor infractions.
If the allegation is of a serious nature, a personnel investigation commences immediately. Personnel investigations must involve due process rights mandated through contractual obligations and case law. Personnel investigations are performed directly by police administration with the assistance of the municipal labor counsel. These types of investigations are handled similarly to a criminal investigation and may prohibit the officer from returning to work until the investigation is resolved. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, if a personnel investigation is founded, disciplinary action could result in suspension or termination. The Municipal Manager is kept apprised of all employee investigations and disciplinary actions throughout the process.
To date, this process has been highly successful in identifying issues that need to be addressed and holding officers accountable for their actions, while also balancing their due process rights as employees. We receive very few complaints about our officers, which shows that our officers are treating people right and doing the right things.
Sometimes a lack of information causes misinformation or misinterpretation of a situation. If you have questions about the actions of an officer, you are encouraged to call 9-1-1 and ask to speak to an on-duty supervisor. If possible, the supervisor will do their best to explain the circumstances. Please understand that some information cannot be shared because it may violate an individual’s right to privacy.
To file a complaint about an officer, please call 9-1-1 and ask to speak to an on-duty supervisor. You may also email your complaint to or contact police administration during regular business hours at (412) 343-4016. If you are not comfortable using this process, you may also address a complaint directly to the Chief of Police, the Municipal Manager or any Commissioner.
What else do I need to know?
Our Mt. Lebanon police officers have sworn to an oath that they would lay their life on the line to protect and serve any member of our community. Please remember our officers are human beings—mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, aunts and uncles who have people at home who care about them. Our officers work hard to treat everyone as they would like to be treated. Chief Haberman regularly tells the officers to be kind, be compassionate and always approach a situation like you would expect if it involved one of the members of your family. This culture of service and standard of commitment is upheld for all who reside in or visit our community.
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Coffee with a Cop