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Leaf burning is prohibited in Mt. Lebanon. We encourage collection and composting. Should public works decide to extend leaf collection, a LeboAlert will be sent. Do not place leaves in the street after leaf collection has ended. Any remaining leaves must be bagged and placed at the curb for regular garbage pick up. The 15 bags/items limit, including trash, still applies.
Leaf pickup is one business day prior to your regular garbage collection day. If your trash day is Monday, your leaf pickup will be Friday. Rake leaves into the street the day before pickup day. To reduce leaf accumulation in streets, please refrain from raking leaves into the street immediately after the collection truck has passed. If you rake leaves several days before pickup, store leaves in your yard, behind the curb and not in the street. Poor weather conditions, such as snow or rain, may delay pickup—please be patient.
It is not feasible to reach all locations with a vacuum truck. Dead-end streets offer limited turning room and high-traffic main streets are too busy to permit vacuum collection. Residents of these areas are advised to bag their leaves for Saturday collection each week. Bags must be at the curb prior to 7 a.m.
If you are not sure which policy applies to you, call the Public Works Department at (412) 343-3403. Please be advised that poor weather conditions, such as snow and rain, may delay pickup. Delays will be posted on this page.
The streets listed below have Saturday curbside pickup. In that case, place all leaves in 30-gallon biodegradable brown paper bags available at local hardware stores. Bags must be placed at the curb prior to 7 a.m. Saturday. We will not collect leaves in plastic bags.
Because of problems encountered in previous years with cars parked on the street, we are offering the option of Saturday pickup (with the same bagged requirement as all other Saturday pickup) for the following areas:
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Coffee with a Cop