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Coffee with a Cop
We’re not talking block party or birthday party/event in the park pavilions, here. We’re talking 5K or other road race, festival, concert, parade, etc. Maybe you have booths, a stage or demonstrations?
Mt. Lebanon doesn’t issue permits for these types of events, but you are required to fill out a form and get municipal approvals. We want to be sure your event will be safe, especially when there are large crowds, money being exchanged, nearby traffic or potentially dangerous weather.
If you’re set to go, click on the event application button. If you’d like more explanation on the application form, scroll down.
Event name – What is the name of your event?
Start date/time and end date/time – Self-explanatory
Event location – Be as specific as possible
Contact information – Your name
Sponsor information – Who is sponsoring the event. Is it a group?
Sponsor contact information – Contact within the sponsoring group
Nature or purpose of event, streets involved and insurance – Self-explanatory
Anticipated attendance – This number helps us decide what emergency services are required. Large groups may require event sponsors to pay for off-duty policy protection or ambulance crew coverage. We will also evaluate traffic control needs.
Extreme temps – Seems self-explanatory but can depend on the event. For example, a cookout where staff will be standing over a grill or running, even in temperate weather, can mean heat could be an issue. Cold events also could be an issue if participants will be doing something vulnerable, like jumping into water or wearing sleeveless costumes. Planned misting tents, warming booths and other information is important.
Has emergency plan – Explain how your group is prepared for emergencies. Are you hiring security, such as a guard for money transport? Do you have a plan for what will happen during a storm? Or if a small child is separated from parents at a kids’ event? What will you do if your event has to evacuate quickly?
Temporary structure use – Any temporary structures, such as tents, booths or sheds must be inspected by our inspections department. Our ordinances have requirements to ensure tents are secured in wind, for example.
Water provision – All events should provide access to water. Municipal fountains operate seasonally.
Provide restrooms – All events should provide access to restrooms. Porta-potty locations must be approved. Municipal facilities may be acceptable but must be open and approved.
Has alcohol – The answer to this question ensures the proper state permits are secured and helps guide our security plan, especially during inclement weather or when people could potentially drink a lot in a short time.
Has food – Open flame cooking must be permitted through the Mt. Lebanon Fire Department (with the exception of grills at park pavilions.)
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Coffee with a Cop