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Mt. Lebanon encourages engagement in civic life and educates residents about municipal functions while demonstrating respect for all citizens and their rights.
To create the change it desires, the municipality shall work toward more streamlined, user-friendly and effective two-way communication and engagement options with residents and with the business community.
Continue to provide communications that reach all residents of the community, regardless of age or technological abilities.
Informed citizens are the beating heart of a robust and thriving local government, but providing information to all citizens can be challenging. Demographics, time availability, convenience and socio-economic factors all affect the means by which – or even the degree of interest – residents take in their local government. Mt. Lebanon should continue to strive to make its two-way communications engaging, convenient and accessible.
a. Continue to implement previously recommended changes in municipal communications as demographics and technology change. STATUS: Ongoing
b. Mt. Lebanon conducted a communications study in 2020, assessing how residents wish to acquire information. The study found that Mt. Lebanon Magazine was the preferred method, followed closely by the municipal website ( and LeboALERT, the municipality’s non-emergency email and text information system. The study recommended implementation steps, including revising the website, a task that is now mostly complete. The municipality should continue to implement this plan and adopt additional changes as technology changes. STATUS: Complete
c. This implementation should stay abreast of and respond assertively to contemporary issues such as misinformation and deep fakes. STATUS: Ongoing
d. Employ a resident-centered design approach to ensure that solutions and processes reflect what people want and need. Recruit likely users of an improvement, platform, program, app or service to provide feedback on design before it is finalized. Such volunteers can help identify priorities, problems or opportunities based on the way they experience what is proposed. STATUS:Ongoing
e. Continually explore technological improvements that access and make local government more transparent. This should include: reviewing annually the viability of a mobile app; simplifying and improving the functionality of digital platforms for users; building website tools that enable residents to understand and track municipal operations and decisions. STATUS: Ongoing
f. Continue to employ free and openly accessible social media platforms to share information. STATUS: Ongoing
g. Create and share flow charts, FAQs and other supplemental guides that can explain local processes and regulations in plain terms. Include diagrams showing ways the municipality interacts with residents/groups, and guides to typical permitting and approvals processes. To clarify regulations, create diagrams or illustrations in tandem with simplification of the Zoning Ordinance. STATUS: Ongoing
Maintain and create opportunities for engagement.
Mt. Lebanon’s residents historically have contributed readily and significantly to municipal volunteer boards, responded to requests for input and have proved willing to provide expertise, opinions and ideas in public arenas. The municipality should continue to engage its citizens, pulling in additional voices — such as newer or younger residents — and demonstrating that it values participation.
a. Integrate the new advisory board structure into municipal operations. STATUS: In Progress
b. Employ additional opportunities for public input into municipal idea generation and decision-making, both digitally and in person. Ideas include creating ad-hoc advisory committees, providing surveys and additional structured community outreach. STATUS: Not Started
c. Continue to provide information to residents about local volunteer opportunities aligned with the municipality or allied community groups. STATUS: Ongoing
d. Continue to demonstrate municipal appreciation for volunteer commitments. STATUS: Ongoing
e. Continue to foster civic literacy through the Residents Academy, Fire Academy, Police Academy, and the appointment of students as junior commissioners and board members. STATUS: Ongoing
f. Continue to foster relationships and educate the community by encouraging Police and Fire Department outreach at community and school district programs and events. STATUS: Ongoing
g. Collaborate with the school district and local universities to inform students of public-sector career opportunities via career-day or other programs. STATUS: Started
h. Continue to empower advisory boards and ad hoc committees to make diversity-equity-inclusion recommendations to the Commission and to municipal departments as they strive to continually enhance interaction with the community. STATUS: Ongoing
Implement a slogan and branding framework that is aspirational but reflective.
a. Adopt a new community slogan and activate it through a new campaign that can shape a Mt. Lebanon Place Brand. STATUS: Complete
b. Develop and implement a place brand. This should include: engaging the community to gather input; analyzing and testing the brand strategy; designing the new brand; developing authentic brand values that foster belonging, purpose, consistency and sensory appeal; and implementing the brand. STATUS: In Progress
c. Create and distribute a place brand kit for partner organizations. STATUS: Not Started
d. Create and market a new development scorecard that is aligned with the Comprehensive Plan, community slogan, and place brand to facilitate desired development. STATUS: Not Started
e. Create and market targeted development incentives that are aligned with the Comprehensive Plan, community slogan, and place brand to facilitate desired development. STATUS: Not Started
f. Use Place Brand as the identity for recruiting and facilitating the development of sites, including but not limited to, those identified in this plan. STATUS: Not Started
Foster opportunities for the municipality and community groups to undertake efforts that contribute to municipal goals for making Mt. Lebanon increasingly neighborly, welcoming and inclusive.
a. Support municipal programs and/or education efforts that assist residents in need, such as the Snow Angels program or reminders to check on your neighbors. STATUS: Ongoing
b. Work with a community partner to help foster an app- based grocery sharing system such as FoodShare or FoodyBag. STATUS: Not Started
c. Use municipal properties as pickup sites for CSA drop- offs or other shared community food assets. STATUS: Not Started
d. Consider an annual “Do Good” information fair that helps residents learn of volunteer opportunities. STATUS: Not Started
e. Clarify and educate groups about permitting and approvals processes for events or use of municipal property. STATUS: Ongoing
Conduct quality of life satisfaction surveys every two years, and include communications as a topic within this survey. Consider participating in the ICMA National Citizen Survey or a similar benchmarking instrument.
In addition to communications, Mt. Lebanon can add pertinent questions or issues that it wishes to track. STATUS: Not Started
Review policies, ordinances and programs to identify those that foster or hinder community spirit, inclusion and belonging in the realms of housing, transit, walkability, public safety and livability or other areas of interest. Make improvements as warranted.
A review process is a significant undertaking because municipalities typically have large numbers of documented policies, years of ordinances and resolutions and potentially innumerable programs.
a. New ordinances or policies should include a regular schedule for review to evaluate effectiveness and the need for any adjustments.
STATUS: Ongoing
b. Utilize a tracking software to facilitate implementation and review of newly adopted ordinances and policies, building on the experience of the police department’s use of a policy review software. STATUS: Not Started
c. Task each advisory board with review of one municipal policy or ordinance per year as part of its annual work plan. STATUS: Not Started
d. Applicable department heads and the municipal manager should review recommended changes to policies. Changes to any that initially required Commission approval should also require Commission approval. STATUS: Ongoing
e. Applicable department heads, senior staff members and the municipal manager should review and enact recommended changes to programs. Applicable department heads, municipal manager and Commission should review and enact recommended changes to ordinances. STATUS: Ongoing
Track and adapt to societal expectations for police department operations.
a. Revise enforcement policies and practices as needed. STATUS: Ongoing
b. Continue partnerships with St. Clair Health, Outreach, Mt. Lebanon School District. STATUS: Ongoing
c. Maintain the police department’s standing in the region as a desirable place to work to attract higher numbers of top job candidates. STATUS: Ongoing
d. Consider additional services, such as a mental health professional, as part of police department operations to improve quality of life for police officers and for the general public. STATUS: Complete
Adapt the interior architecture and design of municipal buildings and facilities to modernize and optimize the user experience, both for visitors and those working in the space.
a. Continually enhance the accessibility of all municipal buildings and facilities to ensure that all residents have access to public spaces. STATUS: Not Started
b. Adapt for workplace trends among residents as well as employees; differences in the ways residents access and interface with service delivery; safety and security; wellness, physical and mental health; and employee teamwork and collaboration. STATUS: Not Started
Continually improve the employee environment to attract and retain the next generation of employees.
a. Conduct an internal review of the employee manual, HR policies and job descriptions to be adaptive to the changing needs of the next generation. Include general staff employees in the effort. Topics will include such matters as family leave, retirement savings accounts, remote work, safety, workplace comfort and employee wellness and mental health. STATUS: Ongoing
b. Involve employees in planning for changes in the interior architecture and design of municipal buildings. STATUS: Started
c. Provide funding as feasible for recruitment costs, particularly for hard-to-fill jobs. STATUS: Ongoing
Maintain visitor information materials on the website.
a. Create a web page map and or listings of community attractions, running/walking routes, shopping, dining, recreation and entertainment, and other amenities. STATUS: Not Started
b. Provide QR code cards for this web page at appropriate locations in or near Mt. Lebanon. STATUS: Not Started
c. Consider adding the QR code to any new directional signage near the T station or Uptown. STATUS: Not Started
Maintain open lines of communications with real estate agents to market the community and stay abreast of consumer choices.
a. Hold roundtables every two years. STATUS: Not Started
b. Include real estate agents on ad hoc committees or focus groups as appropriate. STATUS: Not Started
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