A horizontal view of people sitting on chairs in the park, with a tent over the basketball court, waiting for a concert.


Boards & Authorities

Circle background for board logo Zoning Hearing Board

Zoning Hearing Board


Held every four weeks. Check the municipal calendar for exact dates or updates.

Meeting location: Mt. Lebanon Municipal Building, 710 Washington Road. Commission Chambers and on Zoom.
Read agendas, minutes or watch meeting video.

Board Members

The Zoning Hearing Board consists of three members and three alternate members, each serving three-year terms.


• Hears and decides upon appeals to the Mt. Lebanon Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Officer
• Hears and decides on requests for variances and special exceptions

Staff Liaison

If you have any questions, please contact staff liaison Chief Inspector/Zoning Officer Rodney Sarver at (412) 343-3468.

Zoning Appeal Instructions to Appellant



A fee (see Fee Schedule under Financial Documents) for cases involving residential properties of 1-4 dwelling units and for all other properties shall be paid to Mt. Lebanon, PA, upon the filing of each application or appeal, for the purpose of the defraying expenses incidental to the proceedings. Checks should be made payable to Mt. Lebanon, PA. Receipt for payment may be given in person or may accompany notification of hearing by certified mail.

Plot Plans & Architectural Drawings

In cases involving a new structure or an addition to an existing structure, applicant or appellant will be required to furnish four (4) plot plans or surveys as set forth in #2636, Chapter II, Buildings, which are to be drawn to scale showing all open spaces required by this Ordinance and the Zoning Ordinance, all existing structures and physical improvements and the location and dimensions of the proposed structure (if any) or addition to structure (if any) for which the permit is sought. Plot plans must be prepared by the Registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Surveyor for the erection of all new structures. Also in cases involving any repairs, additions or alterations, whether inside or outside of the building, or when a new structure is constructed, applicant or appellant is to furnish two (2) complete sets of drawings of the structure showing all essential parts and members.
Upon approval of plan and specifications, one set of plans so marked will be returned to the applicant or appellant and must be kept at the building site and shall be accessible at all times to the Building Inspectors, Police Officers, of the municipality.

Summary of Requirements

  1. Payment of fees for cases involving 1-4 dwelling units and for all other cases.
  2. Two (2) copies of notices of appeal, one (1) to be notarized.
  3. Two (2) copies of building permit application, to be signed, one (1) to be notarized.
  4. Two (2) copies of Certificate of Occupancy applications to be signed, only one (1) to be notarized.
  5. Four (4) copies of plot plans or surveys.


Under the Provisions of Ordinance #2636, Chapter XX, Zoning, the parties in interest shall be notified of the decision of the Zoning Hearing Board within 45 days of the date of the hearing. Appellants or Applicants are requested not to contact the members of the Board prior to the hearing date or after that date until a decision of the Board has been reached. A notice will be given in writing of the hearing date and a decision in writing following the hearing. In the event of approval by the Zoning Hearing Board, unless otherwise specified by the Board, a special exception, variance, or conditional use authorized by the Board shall be perpetual. After a building permit has been issued, construction must start within six months following date of issue, otherwise the building permit may be automatically revoked by the Building Inspector. In the event of delay, such as extreme weather conditions or otherwise, an extension may be requested by the Appellant or Applicant.