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Second Tuesday of the months of February, May, August and November. Check the municipal calendar for exact dates or updates.
Meeting location: Mt. Lebanon Municipal Building, 710 Washington Road and on Zoom.
Read agendas, minutes or watch meeting video.
The Industrial Development Authority is made up of five members.
The Mt. Lebanon Industrial Development Authority (IDA) was created on April 10, 2006. Resolution R-9-06 named the initial five authority members and established Articles of Incorporation.
In addition, initial and annual fees on these borrowings create a revenue stream for the issuing authority which can reinvest the income in other economic development projects, or use it as a local match for state and federal funds.
Out of pocket costs of the borrower as well as expenses and/or fees for the Authority solicitor are not deducted from the authority's fees, but paid directly by the borrower/applicant.
The IDA may compete for business with any other authority established for the same purpose and is not limited to financing only those projects located in Mt. Lebanon.
If you have any questions, please contact staff liaison Municipal Manager Keith McGill at (412) 343-3404.
Check out what’s
Sign up for the Citizens Police Academy