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LeboALERTS are non-emergency alerts that keep you on top of everything from safety bulletins to anticipated traffic tie-ups, community event announcements and weather cancellations. You chose the categories and edit them whenever you want. Register for them on myLebo.
Sign up to get time-sensitive messages about life-threatening emergencies on the go—on your cellphone in a text, in a phone call and email—with LeboEmergency, powered by CodeRED.
The customized notification system lets you pick how you want to be notified. (If you have a landline, that number is likely already in our system. But you must opt-in to get texts, cell calls and emails.)
These are serious, dangerous situations, like active shooter emergencies, evacuations, missing persons, chemical leaks, etc.
Here are some step-by-step instructions.
If you need help using a computer, you may call the fire department during business hours at 412-343-3402 and someone will help you with the registration.
You also can sign up directly from your cellphone by texting LEBO to 99411. You’ll get a signup link that’s easy to follow.
Once signed up, you’ll be ready to get LeboEmergency notices. Mt. Lebanon emergency management staff can send alerts to the whole database or customize them and send them only to addresses that are physically near the danger. Only a small number of authorized emergency personnel are able to send alerts; your information is safe, it will never be sold and you will not receive any advertising or spam.
You do not have to be a resident. For example, if you live elsewhere but have a child enrolled in nursery school here or if you have an elderly parent in a care facility or even if you own a business in Mt. Lebanon, LeboEmergency will let you know if there’s a problem and what actions you should take.
You may also choose to download the CodeRED app, which uses mobile technology to message your smartphone about dangers within a certain distance of your location (Yes, you can choose how far the distance is.) However, here’s a warning: American Water Co. uses this system to alert customers of water line breaks. These notices are frequent and often not in our immediate area. So decide for yourself if the app is the best choice for you.
THE APP IS TOTALLY OPTIONAL. Even if you don’t choose the app, adding your information to the database will ensure you are notified of important instructions during an emergency.
Mt. Lebanon does not have a 311 system. If you call that, you’ll get the City of Pittsburgh. If you need a person to respond due to any type of safety concern in Mt. Lebanon, whether it’s public works, medics, police or fire, always call 911.
You can report potholes, needed repairs, dark streetlights or other noncritical concerns at
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